When you choose a quiet rack you have to consider several factors, thermal capacity, aesthetics, budget and of course, how quiet it will be once your equipment is installed. To date, manufacturers have used widely different methods for measuring the noise reduction potential of their racks. If you just use existing manufacturers claims it is impossible to compare noise reduction potential, simply because you are not comparing like-for-like.
To overcome this, Quiet-Rack.com has supported the development of a standard test method which;
Quiet-Rack.com are seeking to promote QRA-1107 to become the global standard
test for quiet racks.
The QRA-1107 standard test method will be presented as a paper at Internoise 2012, the 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering - a conference aimed at quieting the world's cities.
Below is the PDF and sound file for the standard test method.